
That Mutt Life: What We’ve Been as much as – February

just a bit publish on what we’ve been as much as lately.

I truly enjoy reading personal updates from other bloggers. You can checked out my past update from December here. I totally skipped January. So, onto February …

My parents visited

They online in Wisconsin, just an hour’s drive or so from Minnesota’s Twin Cities. Let’s just state they seemed to enjoy the sunny San Diego weather, even if it was only 68 degrees or so as well as felt “cold” to us.

We visited the regional beaches a number of times, including the dog beach. We don’t like to sit on the beach in the “winter,” however we went for great deals of walks along the water. We likewise ate at a number of of our preferred regional restaurants like The Fish Market in Del Mar as well as the Thai restaurant Bangkok Bay in Solana Beach.

Here are a couple of pics from their trip.

My dog Ace as well as I at the dog beach:

My dad as well as Ace:

My mom as well as I:

Ace was extremely happy to have his “grandparents” right here for a week. He as well as I were unfortunate when we dropped them off at the flight terminal to go house again. My mom took tons more photos than I did, so when she has her pics organized I may do one more publish with much better pics. ?

Our foster dog Lana

About three weeks back I took in a young lab mix named Robin who we are calling Lana. She is up for adoption with a rescue group called Labs & more in San Diego.

The organization rescues Labs, lab mixes as well as other big dogs like boxers as well as shepherds from high-kill shelters in our region. I originally signed as much as foster senior dogs since they are generally easier, however I decided to take a possibility on Lana because she looks a great deal like Ace. I couldn’t resist.

Hier ist sie:

It turns out Lana is a extremely nice dog, although she likewise brings chaos to our otherwise calm living environment. She’s about 9 months old as well as full of energy. We believed about adopting her as well as discussed it extensively however eventually decided she would be much better off elsewhere. She’s as well much puppy for all of us. None of my pets like her, as well as I’m exhausted!

Lana is satisfying a prospective adopter on Sunday, as well as I expect it to go well. desire her (and me) luck! Update: Lana was adopted!

On the blog

Here are the blog posts I’m most proud of from the month:

How can I provide my dog sufficient exercise as well as stop her from pulling?

Ever desire people would provide your reactive dog more space?

Do you keep adopting the exact same “type” of dog?

We likewise have a giveaway going on right now where two visitors will win a membership box for dogs from a business called surprise My Pet.

Plus, I’ve started a regular difficulty to motivate people to get out as well as about with their dogs. It’s called #ActiveMutts, as well as you can checked out about the present difficulty here.

Das ist alles! Who’s prepared for “House of Cards” this weekend?

I’m excited to just sit back with my hubby Josh as well as watch like four episodes tonight.

What have the rest of you been as much as lately? Is it still winter where you are?

I hope you will likewise indication up for That Mutt’s newsletter here. You will get an email about 3 times per month.

Habe ein schönes Wochenende!

-Lindsay (and Ace!)

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